Chopin's midi page by Édgar Ardón

"Hats off gentleman--a genius!" - Robert Schumann


Chopin's photo! taken in 1848



Chopin's bio
sonata no.3
NEW! Impromptu Op.29

Impromptu Op.51
Third Scherzo
other composers
links 11/9/2005


Chopin's music decade after decade has been the most beautiful music for piano. Enjoy this pages dedicated especially to him. This is a tribute to Chopin and his great music. C. K. Norwid wrote:

"...a Pole in his heart and a citizen of the world by his talent..."

In 1841, the editor of La France Musicale wrote, "Chopin is a pianist of conviction. He composes for himself, plays for himself... and everyone listens with interest, with delight, with infinite pleasure... Nothing indeed equals the lightness and sweetness of his preluding on the piano, nothing compares with his works in originality, distinction and grace. Chopin is unique as a pianist - he should not and cannot be compared with anyone."

Welcome to my page dedicated to Frédéric Chopin. Most of the MIDI files are real time performances by excellent pianists, such as Robert Finley, Gary Lloyd, Eduardo Trindade, Bernard Kreuger. The purpose of this website is twofold; On the one hand, of course, to serve as a tribute to the great Polish composer. On the other hand, to continue to provide web surfers from all latitudes with MIDI files of Great Quality. This idea was borne several years ago when audio files were huge and Internet connection speeds didn't allow people to listen to music. MIDI files were then the only way to listen to classical music on the web because they have small sizes. There was a catch, however. At first, the quality of these files was very poor. Several people around the globe attempted to render MIDI music as real as possible, with many a technique; thus, in my opinion, making MIDI music an art form. I was one of those people who surfed the web and found MIDI files that pleased me, and other that didn't quite make it up for me. After some time, I contacted the "sequencers" of these good MIDI files. They were very kind and entrusted some of them to me.

Make sure to surf through the "Other Composer's Midi" section. In there you'll find some of my favorite files, such as the 2nd Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, by Rachmaninov, a rare arrangement for Piano Solo by Gary Lloyd, without editing and truly musical. The Biography section and the Links sections contain information you may find useful. The latter has been updated recently, to include sites of great interest to music and art lovers in general. My name is Edgar Ardon. and I'm the creator of this website.

Edgar Ardon's Facebook profile


Prelude No.7 in A major (played by me)
Prelude No.7 in A major
Prelude No.8 in F# minor
Prelude No.9 in E major
Prelude No.10 in c# minor
Prelude No.11 in B major
Prelude No.16 (Jeff Segor)


Grande Valse Brillante(Op.18)
Op.64 no.1 "minute waltz"
Op.64 no.2(Jeff Segor)


Etude Op.10 No.1
Etude Op.10 No.3(Eduardo Trindade)
Etude Op.10 No.4
Etude Op.10 N0.12 "Revolutionary"(Eduardo Trindade)
Etude Op.25 no.2
Etude in A, Op. 25, No. 11


Nocturne Op.9 no.2
Nocturne Op.15 No.2(Gary LLoyd)
Nocturne Op.72 No.1(Eduardo Trindade)


Polonaise Op.53 "Heroic"(Robert Finley)
Polonaise Op.40 No.1"Militaire"(Gary Lloyd)


Ballade No.1(Eduardo Trindade)
ballade No.2 (Gary Lloyd)NEW! Ballade No.3 (Gary Lloyd)NEW!
Ballade No.4(Gary LLoyd)

Impromptu Op.29 NEW!

Impromptu Op.29

Sonata No. 3 in B Minor

Chopin compose this famous sonata in the summer of 1844. This sonata is formed by 4 movements:

The allegro maestoso is very dramatic; the second movement is a short piece in the simple form ABA. The Largo is very relaxing and very lyrical, and the fourth movement is very dramatic and exciting.

Sonata No. 3 in B Minor(Gary LLoyd)

Impromptu Op.66

This work was published after Chopin's death. Chopin gave instructions that all his unfinished works and all those that hadn't been published were to be burned, including the Impromptu Op.66. Fontana (a polish friend of Chopin) decided to publish it anyway. He entitled it: "Fantasie Impromptu Op.66".

Impromptu Op.66(Jeff Segor)

Impromtu Op.51

I have no words to explain this work. I think that maybe just a poet could express the beauty of this melody, but the credit is for the poet who composed this "poem": Frédéric Chopin. This impromptu was the third one to be composed.

Impromptu Op.51Copyright 1999 Robert Finley

Scherzo Op.39

According to the dictionary a scherzo is: "a lively, playful movement in 3/4 time, often the third section of a sonata, symphony or quartet". Chopin's scherzos are almost the opposite to this definition, for example: Chopin compose his sherzos to be played alone, this Sherzos don't belong to a sonata (except those of the sonata no.2 and no.3) or a symphony movement. Almost all Chopin's scherzos are highly dramatic and powerful instead of playful and fun. This scherzo is very dramatic.

Scherzo Op.39Eduardo trindade

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