Hello, and Welcome to my crazy home on the web! I want to say this right now, Congratulations David and Tea on the birth of your beautiful baby girl, born Saturday, April 24th! Her name is Madelaine West Duchovny. I'm sure that you will both be wonderful parents. I would like to remind everyone that I predicted that the baby would be a girl! I can already tell that David is going to be one of those "Stay away from my baby girl" kind of Dads. Anyway, I just wanted to state how happy I am for you two. Love ya and Congrats!!!
If you have any questions or comments,
please email me. If you don't sign the guestbook I'll hunt you down and sick my pet pig on you. Don't laugh, I know you're laughing at me.... Other than that, have fun, and keep searching for the truth! (Helpful hint, The Truth isn't here, try next door!!!) Rock on!!
New stuff Before you look around my place, come in here and see what's new!!
About Me If you want to know about the crazy creator of this page, go here!
My X-Files Poll come on, take the poll. you know you want to...
Mulder and Scully ISMSWe all love ISMS, Don't we?!
X-Files Picture GalleryMost of these are from Erin's Page, at least the DD ones. Most of my Gillian ones are from the Gilliam Anderson WebSite. There are others, but I forget. Oh, yeah, Scully098 gave me a few too.
My Links Other Creepy Pages...
SOUNDS Come hear the molodious sound of Mulder's voice... hehehe...
My Awards I won Awards! I'm so proud...
FANFICI'm writing a few stories. Lots of feedback please! It's Chain FanFic, so if you're a writer, indulge yourself! Write in! That's not a request...
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the X-FIles or any of it's characters or ideas.This is a non-profit page, simply for my entertainment. The X-Files and all things related (Characters etc.) belong to Chris Carter, Fox and 1013 productions. Please don't sue me. I'm just a lowly teen trying to have some fun. Besides, I have no money!
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© 1997 gwen_255@hotmail.com