Hi! My name is Kiki. I am seven years old and will be eight
in September. That means I will be in the third grade. I go
to a cool school in South Carolina. I live with my Mommy
and Daddy. I really like school. I also like beannie babies
and collecting quarters from different states. These are pictures
of important people, places, and things in my world.
This is me and my Mommy. My Mommy is a teacher.
She takes me lots of places and buys me lots of things.
We have lots of fun together!
Here I am holding a butterfly I caught at my
Grandma's and Grandpa's.
This is me with my cousin Ethan. He's my favorite cousin!
Here are some pictures my Grandma and Grandpa took of
me when they took me to this place in downtown San Antonio.
It has lots of fun things to do and learn about how things work.
Outside the museum there is a life-size poster of David
Robinson (he's a San Antonio Spurs basketball star) and we
took a picture of me standing in front of him.
Isn't he tall! Look at the size of his shoes!
If you like my site or maybe just want to send
me a note, please do!!

Email: keg91@hotmail.com
And don't forget to sign my guestbook and answer my Quizlet!
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