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Welcome to the Homepage of Tootie Fluties! Online Flute Player's club at Yahoo!

Come Toot with the Flutes at Tootie Fluties! Welcome to our little corner of the web! This club was founded on August 18th, 1998 and now we are over 100 members strong! If you are a flute player or flute enthusiast come join us! The club is composed of players of all ages and backgrounds. We have a weekly live chat, contests, and we exchange our opinions at the club message board. Come learn and play with us!

Email me at fluteteacher1@mailexcite.com.
Please come back soon and visit us!

Click here to join Tootie Fluties!

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Great Flute related links on the web!

flash Tootie Fluties! The Best online Flute Players Club at Yahoo! Sign up now and have a blast!
flash Big Flutes! Great pics of Alto,Bass,Contrabass Flutes.
flash Creative ideas for teaching Flute- For the other Fluteteachers out there.
flash Dayton C. Miller Flute Collection. This is interesting!
flash Kokopelli Inn- Check this out!
flash Larry Krantz's Flute Homepage - This site has everything you could want!
flash Music Graphics Galore! - Finally! A site with only Music Graphics!
flash Trevor Wye Homepage!
flash Flutalier's Homepage! This is the site of one of our Members! Check it Out!!
flash This is the Home Page of another one of our members! Check it out!

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Please enter your e-mail address here and we will send you an invitation to join!"

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word flute
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