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Popular dances in the English tradition and style

today is Saturday, March 15, 2025

South Bay English Country Dances (SB*ECD) is a small not-for-profit group dedicated to the enjoyment and appreciation of folk music; our focus is on traditional music and dancing from England (with occasional jaunts across-the-border to Scotland, Wales, and Ireland) and the colonies in the New World (a.k.a. the United States of America).
These are fun, relatively easy, community-oriented dances with live music. All dances are taught, no partner is necessary, and first-timers are welcome to each event, unless otherwise noted.

SB*ECD regular dances (which are affiliated with the California Dance Cooperative [CDC]) are held on the first thursday of each month at Torrance's First United Methodist Church hall, which is located at 1551 El Prado Ave; just off Carson St, across from Torrance High School.
Dancing goes from 8 to 10 pm, with social half-hour to follow (light refreshments provided).
Beside the Playford Ball which happens in the fall, we have occasional, irregularly scheduled dance parties on saturday evenings. Check the calendar page for details and location.

[For those who have found this page by chance: Torrance is a large community just south of Los Angeles, California.]

For more information, please call: 310 793 7499 or e mail us. Our address is: sbecd1 "at" yahoo "dot" it
I used to have a link to the address, but it was harvested by spammers: just copy the address above in your mail client, then replace the "at" moniker with the usual "@" sign, and the "dot" with "." . Sorry for any inconvenience.
this webpage is maintained by Giovanni De Amici;
it was last updated on 3 may 2006