Elephant Tape is an audio page designed to present music which may be of interest to readers of Elephant Talk, the
internet newsletter for Robert Fripp and King Crimson enthusiasts.
We feature music currently under discussion in the newsletter, original performances sent in by ET readers, and recordings submitted by students of Guitar Craft.
The music on this page has been encoded for use with 
Read Streaming Audio for information about playing these tracks.
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Read Robert Fripp's online entries at DGM.

Real Audio has released FINAL PC and Mac versions of
the free G2 player. You will get an error message if you try to play these G2 clips with an older player.

Visit the
King Crimson Tribute Tracks
Fernando Kabusacki - Welcome to my Coffee House
(921 Kb)
Fernando Kabusacki - English Loop
(565 Kb)
These are some tracks by Reginald P. Hunt from his Flower site. E-mail
can be sent to rphunt@tiac.net
Reginald P. Hunt - Buttercup
997 Kb)
Reginald P. Hunt - Dandelion
(599 Kb)
These tracks from the album Secret Gardens by Brazilian artist Nilton Gappo. E-mail can be sent to ngappo@mvstudio.com.br
Nilton Gappo - Winter Sun
(1501 Kb)
Nilton Gappo - Land of the Seven Moons
(1020 Kb)
Jonathan Block sent in the new Synthetic
Block CD The Opposite Of Staring Into Space . E-mail can be sent to
Synthetic Block - Arc
(2000 Kb)
Synthetic Block - Engine Room
(1950 Kb)
Jim Konen sent in his visonEar CD digThesis . E-mail can be sent to aurlitel@prodigy.net
visionEar - maSHEEN
(1129 Kb)
Stephen Goodman - The Star Spangled Banner
(1734 Kb)
Stephen Goodman - Dance of the Recently Departed
(1228 Kb)
These tracks are from the album MAR AZUL by Nuria Martinez, Fernando Kabusacki , and Valdo Delgado.
E-mail can be sent to FernandoKabusacki@compuserve.com
Martinez, Kabusacki, Delgado - Cinco Sirenitas
(595 Kb)
Martinez, Kabusacki, Delgado - Huayno
(697 Kb)
Here are some tracks from the first solo album by Ian McDonald. Guests artists include John Wetton, Mike Giles, Pete Sinfield, and Gary Brooker.
Ian McDonald - Demimonde
(846 Kb)
Ian McDonald - Let There Be Light
(827 Kb)
These guitar improvisations are by Jeff Duke. You can find others online at TecBabLabs.
E-mail can be sent to jmar@bellsouth.net
Jeff Duke - giga1
(1290 Kb)
Jeff Duke - mg
(798 Kb)
aWc - maybe i saw the king (excerpt)
(501 Kb)
aWc - old age
(1827 Kb)
This is a track from DGM artist Matt Seattle .
Matt Seattle - Lindisfarne
(623 Kb)
Los Gauchos Alemanes - Vrooom
(921 Kb)
Los Gauchos Alemanes - Straycat
(565 Kb)
Steve Ball - Greenthumb
(929 Kb)
Hernán Nuñez sent in the CD Metalambiente by Santos Luminosos. Hernán writes that "Several pieces on the cd feature Robert Fripp's Soundscapes samples , these Soundscapes were given to Santos by RF in Buenos Aires , the DAT tape was marked "Loops for Wild Boys" and we were told to do whatever we liked with them , so we did." E-mail can be sent to HNUNEZ@compuserve.com
Santos Luminosos - Jazminkarma
(1161 Kb)
Europa String Choir - Woodentops Two
(444 Kb)
Here is a track from the first Tony Levin album, World Diary, on Papa Bear Records Papa Bear Records.
Tony Levin - We Stand in Sapphire Silence
(880 Kb)
From David Torn is a track off his recent CMP Records release what means 'solid', traveller?
David Torn - what means 'solid', traveller?
(1246 Kb)
Markus Reuter - dreams dropping back into the sea
(806 Kb)
Markus Reuter - la selva oscura
(925 Kb)
This track by Steve Hackett from the album Genesis Revisted features Bill Bruford, John Wetton, Tony Levin,and Julian Colbeck .
E-mail can be sent to camino@stevehackett.com
Steve Hackett - Watcher of the Skies
(1 Mb)
Tony Levin sent From the Caves of the Iron Mountain, which he recorded with Steve Gorn and Jerry Marotta. To obtain further information about this album, please visit Papa Bear Records.
Gorn, Levin, Marotta - In The Caves of the Iron Mountain
(545 Kb)
Stephan Thelen -From the Floor of the Ocean
(1422 Kb)
Stephan Thelen - To the Roof of the Sky
(1591 Kb)
Kenn Lowy sent in some tracks that he recorded as wrinklemusik.
E-mail can be sent to info@wrinklemuzik.com
wrinklemuzik - yitzhak (part 2)
(768 Kb)
wrinklemuzik- solitary (excerpt)
(1,204 Kb)
David Hudson -The Ray of Creation
(778 Kb)
Bindlestiff - Into Violet (excerpt)
(1309 Kb)
Electric Bird Noise - the shape of clouds to come
(834 Kb)
Electric Bird Noise - holdin back the tears
(1.9 mb)
Tim Walker -2050
(778 Kb)
These tracks are by Dave Stafford. There are more at the studio seventeen site. E-mail can be sent to ambient@home.com
Dave Stafford- Pelican
(942 Kb)
Dave Stafford- Kamsa Hamnida
(741 Kb)
Herb Heinz - Beautiful Thing
(1041 Kb)
Michael Peters -Dawn of Life
(1,207 Kb)
Amy X. Neuburg & Men - Into That Hole
(883 Kb)
Radio Osaka - Alphaville
(587 Kb)
Travis Hartnett is a student of Guitar Craft, and records as Tik Tok. E-mail can be sent to
Tik Tok - Up North
(692 Kb)
It's only talk...

Music for Thanksgiving

Elephant Tape was initiated and designed by Jeffrey Weinberger
The copyright to the above audio clips is held by the respective artists/composers. No commercial use is implied nor intended.
Images adapted from La lampe philosophique, Meditation, and Le bal masqué by Magritte