Servo & Stepper Project

                                            by Evan at Hennepin Technical College -

This web-page is the result of a project I accomplished in my final semester  at Hennipen Technical college in Eden Prairie, MN (a suburb of  Minneapolis) in the Automated Machinery Systems program.   For this project, I disassembled a machine that had made precision  electronics products  This machine was not in a  functioning condition when it was donated to the school.   For this project I tore down the machine, re-wired the Superior Stepper  and the Compumotor Servo drives to deomonstrate different  drive opperations.  I would like to thank the people that  helped me along the way:

Tom at Superior
Tim at Compumotor &
Paul at Electrocraft

For this project, I worked with a Superior 3180 EPI drive with a 605 stepper a motor and a Computmotor ZX drive with a 3 phase AC servo motor  (w/ an internal rotory encoder).  These drives were made  in the early nineties, which is a bit old by current standards, but  I learned a lot.  Again, I greatly appreciate the people I  mentioned above as well as the Superior/Wagner and Compumotor companies.

Below are the reports I wrote as a result of my experiments and researches:

Superior Stepper Drive /w a 605 motor
Compumotor ZX Servo Drive
Compumotor ZX Original Program
New Demonstration Program:
- New Program
- Program Description
- Sequence Description
I wrote this program to demonstrate servo capabilities.

Below are before & after pictures of the hardware I worked with.
To view a larger picture, click on the picture you would like to see.
The larger pictures are roughly 30k to 50k in size.

Pictures of the original donation:


 of original #1 Picture

&of original #2 Picture

 of original #3

Pictures of the final results.
Well, more or less final,
there remain some finishing touches to be made.

Superior 3180 EPI Stepper Drive
3180 #1 3180 #2

Compumotor ZX Servo Drive
zx #1 zx #2

As a student, there is no better way to learn than by digging into a  hands-on project with hardware and software used in industry.   Colleges like HTC rely on limited budgets & donations.   I am very grateful to Hennepin Technical College, Wagner/Superior and  Compumotor (a division of Parker) for the opportunity to work with this  equipment, and the very considerate help I received in the form of  manuals, equipment, and technical assistance.