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This page was made in
order to commemorate the honors class at WRHS. This class
consists of a group of determined individuals who have strived to
excel both academically and socially. We've had to make it
through a great deal to get where we are today, through both the
good times and the bad. I would like to thank our teachers, Mrs.
Cerelia Sipe and Mrs. Charlotte Mosteller, for all the hard work
they have put into making this year an enjoyable one for all of
Let's Take A Look At
The Humanities Class Of 1997
and their futures
- Drew Archer
- soapstar on Guiding Light
- Cindy Barber

- owns dance company
- Will Bush

- perverted playboy photographer
- Kelly Chickini

- Hair commercial(stalked by
- Kevin Cher
- Principal, or music minister
- Brad Davis

- Alternative Nation host
- Stacey Favre
- Vegas Showgirl, sunday school
- Lee Greenway

- President of James Bond fan club,
member of secret service
- Craig Hawkins

- artist who goes crazy-blood and
urine lover
- Jennifer Lynn

- pediatrician
- Jenny McCord
- telemarketer
- Leigh McKinney
- supermodel that rules the world at 20
- Elizabeth

- advertising CEO
- Katie Molyson

- airline stewardess by day, marries
someone rich who fawns over her
- Jay Noble

- Funeral Director
- Erin Peavy

- owns dress shop, still helps out
with KAZ
- Billy Pryse

- wins $100 million GA lottery
- Dan Reslie
- substitute teacher
- Adrienne

- works for government agency
- Michael Scott

- own car company
- Andy Sisk

- militia leader
- Geoffrey Sizemore

- computer hacker
- Robby Thompson
- hostage comforter
- Lesley Truluck

- Hollywood madame
- Chris Tubbs
- scalps garden tickets
- Dan Underwood
- missionary(esp. on commercials with
- Dave Van Deventer

- owner of expensive art gallery
- Jason von
- Little League coach
- Bridget Walker
- marries sugardaddy, "Date with
Bridget" replaces "Date with Del"
- David Waller
- host of crossfire, murdered at age 30 by ex-girlfriend
- Rachael
- owns Disney
- Mrs. Defoor

- Teacher
- Mr. Ford

- Science Teacher
- Mrs. Sipe

- Teacher
These opinions are in no way, shape, or form
that of the author
They are the sole responsibility of Bridget, Elizabeth, and Kelly
And any consequences they bring must me directed toward them and
not me

If you want me to include your home page on
this list just email me
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Any questions, suggestions, or comments can be sent here 

This site has been updated 9/26/97
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