- Rock music of all varieties has been influenced by classical music and vice versa, both in the
form of direct quotes and in the form of borrowings of style, composition, and instrumentation.
Janell Duxbury is the author of both the discography ROCKIN' THE CLASSICS AND
CLASSICIZIN' THE ROCK (Greenwood Press 1985) and its first supplement (Greenwood Press
1991). The second supplement is now available (Xlibris 2000) and features many new additions, especially in the genres
of progressive rock and metal. Descriptions and publishing information for the discographies is
included in links below. Also published are the journal articles "Shakespeare Meets the Backbeat:
Literary Allusion in Rock Music" POPULAR MUSIC AND SOCIETY (v. 12, no. 3 / Fall 1988) and click to read "The Nexus of Classical and Rock" PROGRESSION (no.39 / Summer 2001).
I've been a fan of progressive rock and progressive metal since 1969 (click to read Blame it all on "Brandenburg" which explains how I was hooked), with the usual British
invasion fascination prior to 1969. Educational background: BS 1973 Secondary Education -
Earth Science; MS 1974 Library Science; MA 1978 Communication Arts - Radio, TV, Film
(Thesis title: A Content Analysis of the Assertiveness of Characters in Television Daytime
Description and ordering information for my original 1985 discography from the
Greenwood Press web pages. Seems to be out of stock at the publisher at present so must be backordered or check on used copies (making sure it is dated 1985 and has the red cover) from . Check out these REVIEWER COMMENTS AND CITATIONS and SAMPLE DISCOGRAPHY ENTRIES
Description and ordering information for my 1991 first supplement to the discography
from Greenwood Press web pages.
Description and ordering information for my 2000 second supplement to the discography.
Bibliography of books and journal articles which have information related to the topic of rock-classical connections. Bibliography compiled by Janell Duxbury.
List compiled by me (with the help of Deep Purple fans and Jon Lord) of classical music
quotes used by Deep Purple, Rainbow, Ritchie Blackmore, Jon Lord, etc.
Use this link to ELP Digest web page, then click on News & Information, then on Emerson Musical Quote Source List. This list of classical and other music quotes used by Keith Emerson solo, in ELP, ELPowell, Nice, etc. (some of which were contributed by me).
List of European and other countries' rock music with classical cover versions and quotes compiled by Gerald Matuschek. Most escaped my research and my other sources! Click to see his Word document.
List of selected examples arranged by composer. German title of website page translates to "classical cover versions".
To be included on the main page the pop music must have been: a single, a hit in the UK, included in the Guinness Book of British Hit Singles - that means from November 1952 or later and
based on a piece of classical music (i.e. influenced by, quoting from or using a melody). Note: Includes MP3 samples.
Selected examples from 1910s-2000s.
Discography of rock music using classical quotes from Bernward Halbscheffel's dissertation "Rockmusik und klassisch-romantische Bildungstradition" (Freie Universitat Berlin, 2000). Entire dissertation in PDF format at:
Dissertationen Online
. Halbscheffel Verlag edition titled "Rock barock - Rockmusik und klassisch-romantische Bildungstradition" was published in 2001.
radio show on the Internet's premiere progressive rock radio station, Delicious
Agony. "The Classical Connection" features progressive rock
and related classical music. The show airs every Thursday at 2:00 Eastern
time (6:00PM GMT). Click on the link above for more information and how to listen.
Friend Bill Berends and his band Mastermind draw ideas from progressive rock,
progressive metal, and classical music. Mastermind has become my favorite band for their
entire work, not just their several classical cover versions.
Friend Kevin Ferguson's album STRAD TO STRAT features Fender Stratocaster electric
guitar versions of virtuoso classical violin music, all elegantly done.
Included in Who's Who, a Yamaha Artist, a D'Addario Artist, published by
Oxford University Press, Von Cello's mission: to bring the cello into
the center stage of rock! His new CD released in 2000 titled "Breaking
The Sound Barriers" is a classical crossover CD about a cellist
crossing over from classical to rock. It is full of musical quotes from
the classics but the songs are in various rock styles. The words often
deal with crossover themes. You can stream and download whole songs at
The Internet Yes source
The Renaissance web page
The ELP DIGEST web site (with links to the official ELP web site and other related sites)
All sorts of progressive rock information.
MIDI files of famous compositions listed by composer (great for tracking down an elusive
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