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Welcome to the First Baptist Church Home Page!
1701 Winchester Ave. · Ashland,
Ky. 41101 · (606) 324-3100

This is the First Baptist Church of Ashland, Kentucky. This is the first
web site of the church, so I hope you will enjoy surfing the net with us!
We really encourage anyone who is trying to find a good church home to
come and worship with us every Sunday. Morning Sunday School starts at 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship Service starts at 10:45 A.M. Come and FELLOWSHIP!! Please feel free
to e-mail us and give us any suggestions you may have to help us improve
the web page service.
(By having Internet Explorer 3.0 you can listen to great church hymns on the web page. Enjoy!)
This site best viewed with:
"Our Friendly Church Staff!"
Dr. Bill Messer(Pastor)
(Music Department)
David Lyninger(Youth Activites)
The Prayer Team Web Page.
Here are some new additions that I thought you would like on the Web Page!
Wellness Tips
Body: Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Mind: Learn the art of saying "NO".
Spirit: Seek forgiveness from others.
(Brought to you by the Team.)
Important Announcements!
Items needed for the Food Pantry:
Any canned items with pop top lids, canned beans (pinto),canned meats, and corn bread mix are appreciated.
All of the Wednesday night activites and organizations are back on track! Please attend.
Easter Lilies are now available for the Easter Service. The cost is $6.95 each and if you will call the church office Mary/Joyce will be happy to take the memorial information. Envelopes will be available next week for your orders.
You're invited to join the "Women's Prayer Group in the Prayer Room on Fridays at 10:00 a.m.
Now it's time to give the church Technology Team an idea of what you would like to see in the near future. If you would prefer more personalized pictures such as Bill, Tim and David's pictures, please e-mail us at the bottom of the screen. We would appreciate your ideas in updating the web page. Thank You.