Masuk High School Reunion, Class of 1979
July 17, 1999  Roberto's Restaurant, Monroe, CT

Hi folks!  I've promised a number of you that I'd scan the few pics I took that night, so here they are.  I found some other stuff that will make you smile/wanna yell at me for posting it, depending who you are :)   The trip down memory lane was fun.   To catch yourself up to date with my son and me, please click this link.  Thanks for stopping by the page!!

-Stacey David Severn, Class of '79

(Names highlighted in red are people I saw at the reunion)
Cindy Cormier, Jan Tuoti Fawn Hollow, 1970:  Recognize anyone? 
Top Row (facing camera): Sue Findlay, Merilee Harpell, 
Sonya Kasper, Laura Hayden. 2nd row:  Beth Nishball, Irene Hansen, Jeanne Fiermonte, Shari Pivarnik.  Bottom row: Jan Tuoti, Sue Keller, Cindy Cormier, Jackie Murphy
Merilee Harpell, Maureen (Tinee) Buckley, Carol Sacknoff Fawn Hollow 1970:  Laura Hayden, Mary Bisogno, Heather Sniffen, Merilee Harpell