"there had always been more...
more then grey faded wrecks,
valleys hidden and forbidden
where those who fly can find a warm shelter
...beyond the fog and the frost ..."
It's always been this way.....
In a world of infinite images and ideas,
That cannot fade, cannot be stained.
The TIME was now !
This very moment we are born, brought here.
Unquestioned, dragged and blinded. In this lesser world.
We forget what we once knew,
the things unchanged.. the images perceived.
What now ?!
To be continued, exposed and declined... cracked down.
Procedures begin, memories unforeseen.
Now Wonderful is the way for my way
back home..
abused and hardly maintained, yet there is...
! We wake up !
Emotions made for perception
made of stardust like passing dreams
-and the dreams are ever young-
Through the windy night
a blurred remembrance follows, around
dances, around
like a spring snowflake flake.. around
-and here-
Projections on the weary soul,
the body's Den...
Like an imperfect steed, almost free,
disappearing in the distance
under HEAVY rain
under darkened skies
on the Highway...
Familiar projections, excitement! I yearn for my home...
I think I know where I belong!
In love and with wings spread wide...
I go...
I go now...
Shadows no longer shade...
You ? ....
(6th Sept. 2000, for my lost happiness)