German Inflationary Notgeld 1922-1923
After WWI, Germany was plunged into one of the worst inflations ever to hit a western country as the
government struggled with the truly massive punitive damages demanded by the Treaty of Versailles.
During this brief period of hyper-inflation, people who did not convert their savings into tangible assets
lost them completely . Many bank accounts were closed because even large pre-war sums of 100,000
Marks were longer worth even the price of a postage stamp. The middle class was by and large reduced
to poverty, theft and petty crime soared, pensions became worthless and many people starved to death.
The stable Rentenmark was introduced in November 1923 in a reform by Hjalmar Schacht to replace the worthless Reichsmark. The Reichsmark was re-introduced the next year in a stabilised form and remained in that form until the introduction of the Deutsche Mark in 1948. (Note that Hitler had no involvement whatsoever over any of these events and it is sad that even some historians confuse Schacht's tenure as President of the Reichsbank in 1923 during the currency reform with his reappointment to that position many years later under Hitler.)
However an interesting by-product of this period was the rich variety of banknotes churned out from each town, displaying values of anything up to 100,000,000,000,000 marks. This web site is devoted to these incredibly high-value banknotes.
There were two main types of inflationary banknote printed. Standard Reichsbank notes, and what
is known as notgeld (a German word meaning "emergency money"). The Reichsbank notes were issued by
the central bank in Berlin, while notgeld was printed by city banks, small towns, all manner of public bodies,
the German railway departments and even private companies.
The good thing about collecting German money from this period is that while some notes can be
priced into the thousands of dollars, you can still pick up many of the commonest Reichsbank notes in pristine
condition for just a few dollars. (For examples of common Reichsbank notes, check
Ron Wise's currency site.)
- Life during the inflation - plus a bit of history
- Statistics about the incredible numbers of notes printed during this period
- Notgeld
- Courtney Coffing's short history of notgeld covering Arnold
Keller, Hjalmar Schacht, the various forms of notgeld and much more.
- Notgeld
Emergency money, ie issued by non-governmental organisations. In Germany
notgeld was issued as notes, metal and porcelain tokens, and even printed
on silk and leather. Note that German notgeld covers both the small-change
notgeld of 1917-1921 as well as inflationary notes of 1922 and 1923.
- Serienschein
A German notgeld note with a value of 2 Mark or less (mostly in pfennig)
and usually around the size of a business card. These were issued by
German towns from 1917 onwards due to the hoarding of coins at the end of
the First World War, and there were thousands of different designs printed.
Because of interest shown by collectors, such notes were still printed as
late as 1922 in some towns, even when the scarcity of coins was long gone.
(The plural is serienscheine.)
- Common german terms
found on inflationary notes - translated into English
Valuing your Notgeld
- Click here for a very general Notgeld pricing guide
The Images
What I've tried to do here is to represent a pretty wide range of towns with
notes that are more interesting or less commonly seen - with a preference for
higher denominations. Most notes are from my own personal collection, but
many thanks go to Juergen Spiegel, Frederick Fleischer, Marc Plessa,
Franz von Klimstein and everyone who has kindly provided scans.
German Rail ("Reichsbahn") issues
Reichsbahn 1 Million Mark (22k)
Reichsbahn 20 Millionen Mark (55k)
Reichsbahn Altona 1 Billion Mark (43k)
Reichsbahn Cassel 1 Billion Mark (63k)
Reichsbahn Frankfurt 5 Billionen Mark (87k)
Reichsbahn Frankfurt 10 Billionen Mark (62k)
Reichsbahn Stuttgart 5 Billionen Mark (48k) - back (44k)
Private company issues
Braunkohlen Borna 50 Millionen Mark (32k)
Henschel & Sohn 5 Millionen Mark (60k)
Oehringen (Spar- und Kreditbank) 10 Millionen Mark (38k)
Phoenix Mining 2 Millionen Mark (overprint) (72k)
Phoenix Mining 5 Billionen Mark (hole cancelled) (68k)
Regional issues
Aachen 1 Million Mark (66k)
Aachen 5 Millionen Mark (29k) - back (21k)
Aachen 20 Millionen Mark (66k)
Badische Bank 5,000 Mark (32k) - back (36k)
Badische Bank 500,000 Mark (43k) - back (46k)
Bayerische Notenbank 20,000 Mark (47k) - back (47k)
Bayerische Staatsbank 5 Millionen Mark (69k)
Berlin 3 Millionen Mark (back) (85k)
Bielefeld 25 Mark (printed on silk) (44k)
Bielefeld 50 Mark (printed on silk) (43k) - back (44k)
Bielefeld 500 Tausend Mark (49k)
Bielefeld 5 Millionen Mark (47k)
Bielefeld 1 Milliarde Mark (62k) - back (64k)
Bielefeld 250 Milliarden Mark (47k)
Bonn (Landwirtschaftskammer) 10 Millionen Mark (30k)
Bonn (Landesbank der Rheinprovinz) 10 Millionen Mark (23k)
Bonn (Handelskammer) 10 Millionen Mark (36k)
Buer (in Westfalen) 5 Billionen Mark (21k)
Danzig 50,000 Mark - front (33k) - back (34k)
Darmstadt 100 Millionen Mark (51k)
Dortmund u. Hörde 500,000 Mark (33k)
Dresden 500 Millionen Mark (26k)
Duisburg 50 Millionen Mark (58k)
Duisburg 1 Billion Mark (65k)
Düsseldorf 500 Milliarden Mark (32k)
Düsseldorf 1 Billion Mark (31k)
Eschweiler/Stolberg 25 Billion Mark (104k)
Essen 1 Million Mark (47k)
Freital 10,000 Mark (67k)
Freital 20 Millionen Mark (24k)
Glogau 500,000 Mark (66k)
Gonsenheim 500,000 Mark (90k)
Göppingen 1/2 Millionen Mark (32k)
Guben 5,000 Mark (74k)
Kiel 1 Million Mark (35k)
Kiel 20 Millionen Mark (36k)
Köln (Cologne) 2 Millionen Mark (64k)
Köln (Cologne) 5 Millionen Mark (36k)
Köln (Cologne) 50 Millionen Mark (51k)
Köln (Cologne) 50 Milliarden Mark (47k)
Konstanz 50 Milliarden Mark (overprinted on 5 Mark) (68k)
Krefeld 1 Milliarde Mark (37k)
Landesbank der Rheinprovinz 10 Millionen Mark (23k) - back (21k)
Langquaid 5 Millionen Mark (48k)
Laupheim (Gewerbebank) 1 Million Mark (49k)
Mainz 5 Milliarden Mark (80k)
Mönchen-Gladbach (Handelskammer) 20,000 Mark (37k)
Moers 500,000 Mark (back) (53k)
München 1 Million Mark (67k)
Münster (Landesbank) 10,000 Mark (back) (60k)
Münster (Landesbank) 2 Millionen Mark (56k)
Münster (Landesbank) 4.2 Goldmark = 1 Dollar (88k)
Nordhausen 2 Millionen Mark (26k) - back (26k)
Nürnberg 10 Millionen Mark (46k)
Oehringen (Spar- und Kreditbank) 50 Milliarden Mark (44k)
Oppenheim 1 Billionen Mark (38k)
Pfalz (Speyer) 100 Millionen Mark (33k)
Sächsische Bank 1 Million Mark (44k)
Steinfurt 100 Milliarden Mark (26k)
Regensburg 1 Million Mark (88k)
Siegburg 5,000 Mark (75k) -
back (59k)
Torgau 100 Mark (35k)
Trier 5 Millionen Mark (34k)
Trier 10 Millionen Mark (34k)
Vohwinkel 5 Billionen Mark (102k) 
Wald 50 Millionen Mark (26k)
* Note that in German "eine Milliarde" means 1,000,000,000 (an American
billion) and "eine Billion" means 1,000,000,000,000 (an American
Also plenty of stamps were issued during the inflation for values up to 50
Milliarden Mark. These can be bought very cheaply and often cost as little as 10 cents each.
An assortment of inflationary stamps (50k)
Related sites (English language)
Related sites (German language)
Curious Notgeld -
Oliver's page containing some great images of Notgeld oddities (eg
leather notes, ones with stickers or advertising, etc)
- Papiergeld Seite - Jürgen Spiegel's excellent paper money resource
- Papiergeld / Notgeld - German paper money through the ages (Thomas Schmidtkonz)
If you have any pictures of high-denomination German notgeld you
think might look good, please email me
and let me know!
Richard Holmes
Please feel free to use any information or pictures contained in these pages as long as you credit the source and, if on the web, link back to this page.
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This page was last updated in February 2007. To get in contact, click here.