This site makes extensive use of background music. If you don't hear any and would like to, you need to download a free internet midi plug-in called Crescendo. Download it from Live Update. | You are hearing "Blind Mary" [O'Carolan] |
I'm in the Vienna neighborhood because I love music, particularly traditional Celtic and folk songs. If this is your joy go to my Music and Midi Page and you'll find loads of information about midi music and related things. If you like traditional dancing, check out my CRAB CONTRAS Dance Page. If you haven't done it with every partner in the room, you haven't lived!
All things Scottish is my link to Highland Bagpipe on the Eastern Shore and Annapolis, plus links to all sorts of other sites. Please check out Easton's Scottish Country Dancing.
I welcome comments, questions, and your own music, original or not. | A beginner's guide to HTML. |
http://www.geocities/SiliconValley/Campus/1924/ | Tutorial on how to make YOUR OWN WEB PAGES. |
Bell Labs Voice Synthesizer | VERY cool, and available in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish! | | Many utilities, games, and demos JUST FOR ASKING! |
Winzip Utilities | for squeezing big files into managable ones! Free download! Also UNzips .zip files. SAVES LOTS OF TIME! |
D. Fenton's Classical Quartet Page | (many nice arrangements) |
Contemplator's Page | is FULL of traditional songs, lyrics and O'Carolan tunes. |
Oldies on Enchantè page | Did I say Oldies? Midi files from the 1890's and the entire 20th century up to the 60's. YOU"LL FIND IT HERE! |
Midifarm | UNRIVALED SOURCE of classical and bluegrass midis. |
Midi Composer Awards | Look what you can do with a midi processor! THESE GUYS WON GOLD! |
House of Musical Traditions | This place, just North of Washington DC, has EXOTIC and traditional instruments! |
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