
Chamber Ensembles

Kammermusik Chamber Ensembles of Kansas City & Santa Fe are composed of talented amateur and professional musicians from Kansas City and the Santa Fe area as well.

In its present form, Kammermusik consists of a Woodwind  Quartet, Woodwind Trio Sonate Group, and the Santa Fe Kammermusik Chamber Orchestra. Most of the musicians play in various other musical venues in Kansas City and Santa Fe.

Members in Kansas City still play together and hold a bi-annual woodwind music get together at the Missouri Lake of the Ozarks.

Check below to find out who we are.

We enjoy our time making music and having fun!

To learn more about Kammermusik
Please take a look at some
(or all) of the following



Concerts, Recitals, Musical Events

in and around Santa Fe and Kansas City

The Kammermusik Ensembles and Musicians.

Previous Santa Fe Members

If you or someone you know would be interested in joining Kammermusik

please contact us!

At the 2003 board meeting of Kammermusik, it was decided that the annual Woodwind Camp would become an entity of its own and as of September 1, 2003 the one group became two.

The director of the new Kammermusik Woodwind Workshop is Keith Bowen. He will continue to plan a yearly workshop as well as weekend workshops through out the years.

For Information about the

Kammermusik Woodwind Workshop

2007, Santa Fe, NM

Go to the Kammermusik Woodwind Workshop home page:



See if your picture is there!

Pictures from the 2002 Workshop can be found here!

2000 and 2001(Our five year anniversary in 2000!)

    Visit: The 1998-1999 Woodwind Camp in Santa Fe, New Mexico

    A report on: The First(1996) and Second (1997) Annual MISSOURI OZARKS WOODWIND CAMP


Thank You for your interest in KAMMERMUSIK!!

Please check back, from time to time. .

Patrick Berry
Director Kammermusik of Kansas City & Santa Fe


Directions to Patricks

Our sincere thanks to GeoCities
without whom our presence on the Internet would be doubtful!

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© 1997 by Kammermusik of Kansas City & Santa Fe, all rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced without the written consent of Kammermusik of Kansas City

Created: By Jon Dom Studios, a CyberCepts partner, Sunday, January 05, 1997, 12:47
Last Updated: Sunday, March 11, 2007