Hey! Nice of you to drop by. As you can see, I have been rather busy cleaning up the place. I left it in the care of male friends, however they had a little fun in my absence... but it became quite nasty, and they obviosly forgot I expected the place liveable when I got home! So, here I am, cleaning up dried Coca-Cola stains from the carpet, crusted pizza from the couch, with an old beer smell eminating from my favorite love seat, and other disgusting tidbits that whoever came over left behind.
There are a few things that I am using in my redesign of the place as soon as I can, such as a new coffee table - minus water stains (More information about me), a new phone book - the other got lost in the mess (more, even better links), a pinball machine - to help distract those hooligans from playing with my stuff (a tribute page to the eighties), and the basement storage re-organized so I can find the camping equipment, and decorating it with a big Canadian flag hanging on the door (a quick look back at summer '98 - Bolton Camp!). How does that sound?
Anyways, here's some intersting stuff to go through, and then we might begin to see what the floor actually looks like. I might not need new carpet after all!
How about a clock on the wall? Do you think? Maybe?
hmmmmmmmmmmm... More toys... WHICH DAY WERE YOU BORN?
When's Your Birthday?
*dusting off a game* How long has this been sitting here?
Hey, I found the rug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's get this place up and running!
Please sign my guestbook... Or have a look at what others have written in my guestbook.
Mail me at garfield@csolve.net
You are the
Gargoyle to have blessed my home!