Hello, my name is Albert. I was born in New York City on October 7, 1976.
I have been living in Bowling Green, KY since 1980 but plan to move to CA
by next year for graduate school. I am presently majoring in English and
minoring in chemistry at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. I have
wide and varied interests ranging from classical music to jazz to reading
literature. I am also a novelist and plan to dedicate them to my future
wife someday. Also I am a member of the LDS church and presently study
Christian themes in English and American literature. I believe that my
interests are better summarized by the links rather than what words can
do. Remember, a link is a thousand facets of your personality! :o)
Links to other sites on the Web
My school address is: Albert Wang Box 995 Station B Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37235 Of course, if you truly interested in having back and forth conversations about intellectual or pop cultural matters with me, you can certainly use my e-mail messages. And hello to any Mormons who are just passing by. :o)
© 1996 wanga@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu