Well, people, this is a homepage for this wonderful girl named Angie Lin,
as you can see from the title of the page, but anyway, she is a ballet dancer,,
and convinced me to make this humble little effort to show what ballet is
to the uneducated of the world. I dont know much about it myself, but I am
hoping to learn something in the process of making the homepage, if Angie will
tell me anything, hint, hint Angie. She is a wonderful, multitalented, beautiful
lady, who is a teenager, like me, and she is totally in love with ballet. You can
write to her at alindieva@hotmail.com.
Sorry about the picture quality, it is not so great.
Angie: this tells you how many people came to your page. :)
These are the links to the rest of the page, enjoy the tour, and hopefully learn something while you are at it, I certianly am.
Pictures of Ballerinas and the guys, whatever they are called.
Links to other pages with lots of cool information.
A wonderful but short dictionary of ballet terms.
A bunch of links to other dance sources.
A faq (Frequently Asked Questions) about ballet.
The Kirov Ballet, pictures and stories.
Or, you can write to me, which I would appreciate for any comments or suggestions at cldude@hotmail.com my email address.