College of Reannag Fhara
Society for Creative Anachronism
Welcome to the Web home of the College of Reannag Fhara.
We are a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism based on the
University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand.
On this page you will hopefully find all the information you might ever need
about our College and the society in general.


A few explainatory words -
- If you are new and want to find out a bit more about the SCA visit What is the SCA.
- The Regnum is a list of contact people
for the SCA both in the College and throughout New Zealand.
- The news a list of all the latest breaking news bought to you hot off the presses.
- Not sure when the next event or meeting is on? Check out
this months or
next months calendar.
- One day this will be a pictorial history of the college. Currently it is a triffle sparse.
- Also included is the obligatory list of links to other far off places.
- Finally a few humorous things that SCA folk may think are funny but anyone else will stare at blankly.
This site is optimized for the Netscape
2.0 web browser. The fact that you are seeing this message means that
you aren't using it, but some other "frame challenged" browser. I
recommend netscape 2.0 to see this site in all its glory. Just select
the Netscape button to download. You'll be glad you did.
This is not an official publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc, nor does it delineate official policy.
Copyright (c) 1996, X Tactic Design
All rights reserved.