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Rachel's Page


How shall I hold my soul that it may not be touching yours?
How shall I lift it then above you to where other things are waiting?
Ah, gladly would I lodge it, all forgot,
with some lost thing in the dark is isolating on some remote and silent spot that,
when your depths vibrate, is not itself vibrating.

You and me-all that lights upon us,though,
brings us together like a fiddle-bow
drawing one voice from two strings it glides along.
Across what instruments have we been spanned?
And what violinist holds us in his hand?
O sweetest song

Ranier Maria Rilke , Possibility of being, New Directions Publishing Corp.

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Everything you see on this page is a reflection of my interests, and hopefully when you are done you will have learned something about the things that are special to me.

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Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world
Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before...

(From "Music of the Night" in Phantom of the Opera. Lyrics by Charles Hart & Richard Stilgoe)

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