Hi my name is Teresa Saleeby and I live in North Carolina. I am very new at this internet stuff. I am a nursing student at Coastal Carolina, and the mother of two wonderful boys(my mom says they are rotten,but what does she know)**grin** I love classical music, all periods,but most of all music from the Baroque period. So let me tell you alittle bit about me and my family. I am a 26 single mother of two great and wonderful boys. They also love classical music(you have to start them off right) They can be a handful at times, but that is okay. I can use any help you want to send me about making this a great homepage. . I will be waiting to hear from you soon:o)
Links to other sites on the Web
visit mickey mouse!!!
Healthy choice chat room. were I am usally at. chatting with all my friends
link to yahoo
this is a really cool place, i havent been hear a lot, but it looks neat!!!!
the web's yellow pages
One day i will have some pictures of all of us!!!!!
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