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Johnny Ferreira: Rock n' Roll Saxophonist - Part 1
An Interview by Neil Sharpe
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Sax on the Web - Featured Authors
Neal Sharpe
Neal Sharpe
John Laughter
John Laughter
Index  Blues, R&B, Rock n' Roll Sax Teaching Resource
Neil Sharpe as Contributing Editor

STYLES: The Billboard Top 40 hits of the 1950s/60s By John Laughter

update The Rules and How to Break them 1, 2, 3 By Pete Thomas
   Sax Playing, People, the Instrument
. .
  Jazz and Rock Saxophone
corner Ken Fink . corner Tim Price
o  Electronic Effects for the Saxophone

Pete Hales
o Designing The Perfect Saxophone
o Stencils and "Second Line" Models

David Hollingsworth
o The Gift of Rhythm
o Tone Quality

Gordon Palmer
o Flute instructions for a sax player
o First note from a Flute

Neil Sharpe
o Rock'n Roll Saxophone:
An Introduction To A Revolution Part 1, Part 2

o Anxiety, Emotions and Performing Well 1, 2, 3
o JOHN BARROW; How NOT To Make It In The Pop World
o Jazz and The Touch of Zen: Ken Fornetran

Sue Terry
o  The Secret of a Good Sound

Index  Saxophone Learning Resources 

Index  Vintage Saxophones
PICTURES Vintage Sax Pictures

  Sax repair and maintenance
. Tim Price o Saxophone Necessities - Basic Skills That Are A Must
o Ear Training on Chord Tones: Phase 1, 2, 3
o Melodic Improvisation
Index A complete list of Tim's Jazz Etudes

Jody Espina
o On Being a More Interesting Improviser.
o Have More Fun in the Shed

Greg Fishman
o  Interview
o  Jazz Saxophone Etudes review by Ed Svoboda

Roger Freundlich
o Psyching Out Improv Demons
o Dealing With Improv Demons

John Laughter
o  Rock & Roll Saxophone
o  Sound Effects for Saxophone:  Flutter Tongue,  The Growl

Skip Spratt
o  Learning Tunes
o  Confessions of a Weekend Warrior
o  Playing tips. Why so loud?
o  Undersaxed. The saxophone in popular music
o  More Confessions from a BS Saxophonist

Index  SOTW - Jazz Resources 
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Update: January 16, 2007.
© 1996 - 2007, Harri Rautiainen
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