First, we have a comprehensive listing of appearances by OPERA SINGERS IN THE MOVIES. An explanation of this listing will be found on the page where the list appears. To get there, just click here. If indeed you have any comments, corrections or additions to this list (it can't possibly be complete) feel free to e-mail me, and I'll certainly take your comment into careful consideration.
Secondly, we have an interesting picture gallery for your consideration. This is the first such picture gallery dealing exclusively with opera. It's the 3-D OPERA GALLERY . These are stereographic pictures of various opera singers and opera-related subjects. In order to properly view them, you need to use those red/blue 3-D glasses (which you'll remember from comic books or even some old 3-D movies). Recently, NBC television ran some sit-coms which included some 3-D portions, and you might still have the glasses from those broadcasts. You can use these, but they are arranged backwards!! Just refold the ear pieces to put the RED lens on the LEFT, and you'll be able to enjoy the 3-D OPERA GALLERY to its best advantage. If indeed you haven't any red/blue glasses, follow this link, and my pal, Ron Labbe, will send them to you just for a really low price! just click here, but remember to use your back arrow to come back!!!
New on this site is OPERA AS ADVERTIZED. This is a collection of great singers' endorsements of various products. You'll find the usual ads for records, pianos and audio equipment, but you'll also find singers endorsing perfume. throat losenges and cigarettes!! Just click here to see this unusual picture gallery.
on OPERA MADNESS is the pictorial area called JUST PLAIN FOLKS. This is a remarkable photo essay of the great singers just being people. Barbeques, swimming pools, just regular stuff. Many of the pictures seen here are video captures from singers' home movies. It's remarkable how usual these otherwise unusual people can be! To have a look, click here!
Finally, we've assembled a goodly amount of links which will take you to some superb opera web sites, some terrific 3-D sites, and some excellent sites for computer information. Make sure you visit this area!! It will take loads of hunting and web-searching time off your mind!!
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