Chonmageman's Precociously Pink Page!

Hello, and welcome.
You will be able to explore many manga related pages created by me here. Most of these manga are Shoujo manga well known in Japan but not in North America, where I live. In these pages, I will try to concentrate more on information than on images, but images have been included for reference. All translations will be done by me. I don't have much up for each section yet, but I hope you still enjoy your visit here!
More snow!
Most of the pages are still under construction. So, please watch your step.
Meanwhile, feel free to if you have any questions.

Last Updated: February 5, 2006

The Chonmage Logalways updated!
Where I can blabber about anything and tell you what's new.
Manga Book Shelfupdated!
A list of manga I own and have read throughout the years and intro's.
About Me!
Useless info about me!
Shitajiki Collection
List and gallery of the Shitajiki I own.
The Chonmage Shopupdated!
Manga and other manga or anime related items for sale.
Chonmageman's Junkbox
Image Gallery of manga-style pencil drawings done by me.
New Shoujo Manga
A list of new shoujo manga tankoubon coming out in Japan.
Random Manga Gallery
A random manga image section updated once a month...if possible.
wolfcat connection banner
Wolf-Cat Connection
Information, translations, gallery and more on all of Ohkami Mineko's manga works and other related items such as cd's and animate goods.
S.Y.Wonderland banner S.Y.Wonderland
Information, gallery, and more on Sugisaki Yukiru's original manga works (Candidate for Goddess, D.N.Angel and Lagoon Engine).
Speedy Age banner Speedy Age
Tankoubon info, series info, OVA info, CD info and more on Katayama Shuu's original manga works.
"Chonmageman's Precociously Pink Page"
This page is link free!
This page is link free!

BY: chonmageman (), since 1999
Special thanks to Risu-chan for teaching me how to make a homepage.

All rights reserved to their original creators/manga-ka & publishers.