Anime = Fun!

My name is amnesiack and welcome to my homepage. In the recent past it was known as Punk Protoculture, but I have decided to instead use the name that formerly graced my anime sub-page Anime = Fun!

This new page will focus mostly on anime, especially Ranma 1/2, and fanfiction. However, I do still plan to have a few things about music and roleplaying, so don't worry. In the interest of making things a little more accessible, I've decided to organize my links here by their subject matter. I have a lot of links, and hopefully this will make things a bit easier ^_^

Ranma 1/2 Links

The Ranma 1/2 Universe! Without a doubt one of the greatest Ranma pages I've yet seen. There is a problem, however. The maintainer has had to shut down the page because his hardware cannot handle the amount of trafic his server gets. Hopefully, he will be able to bring it back soon.
The Anime Web Turnpike: Ranma Links This is a huge collection of Ranma 1/2 links, curtousy of the Anime Web Turnpike.
Ranma 1/2 Links Around the World.Next to the Anime Web Turnpike this place is the largest collection of Ranma 1/2 links I have ever seen.
The Ranma 1/2 FAQ Page. Everything you ever wanted to know about Ranma 1/2.
Marissa Price's Anime Homepage. Marissa just rules. There's a lot of stuff about Ranma, as well as other anime, on her page. A great bunch of fansub links too!
The Knights of the True Fiance. An organization dedicated to defending the beautiful Akane Tendo from all her enemies. I'm a member!
The Tendo Kasumi School of Philosophy is dedicated to the idea that Tendo Kasumi has reached the ultimate level of enlightenment and that Ranma 1/2 is actually based around her exploits! Also contains the Ranma 1/2 mailing list museum.
Ruben Cassar's Homepage I know Ruben from the Ranma 1/2 Mailing List. This is his page. I think it has something to do with Ranma.
Akane's Dojo. Created by Don Wang. I'm a member of this as well.
Justicar (Eric Baker)'s homepage A bunch of Ranma stuff, plus the church of Nabiki!
Pimpin' Laura's homepage Pimpin' Laura is another intersting friend of mine from the Ranma ML. Check out her page, along with the Kuno Fan Club!
Sir Olin Petty's homepage Yet another member of the ML, Sir Petty is also a member of the KTF!
Enaka's homepage You guessed it: Enaka is another member of the ML. You're so smart ^_^


All fanfiction information is listed on my Fiction page bellow.

Fansub Groups

SilverWynd ProductionsA good group of fansubbers.
Acefly Distribution Service Probably my favorite of all the fansub groups I've found on the net.

General Anime Links

The Anime Web Turnpike The definitive collection of anime/manga links on the net.
Dhampire's Den: A really good page dedicated to 3X3 Eyes, Macross, Record of Lodoss War, and Oh, My Goddess! anime. Also has a great midi collection.
The Right Stuf International is the best source for ordering translated anime that I have seen yet. All videos both subtitled and dubbed are 10% or more off regular price and S&H rates are extremely reasonable.

Learn about the SkAnimes! The SkAnimes are a ska band I started with several members of the Ranma 1/2 cast. The Lum picture has absolutely nothing to do with them, I just thought it looked cool. For more info on the SkAnimes, click here!

Visit the Temple of Tendo Akane! Tendo Akane is the lead Heroine of Ranma 1/2. Because of my obsessive love and devotion for her, I have founded this temple in her honor. Please remove your shoes before entering.

Read my Fiction! I am an amateur fiction writer. It takes me a while to put my stories in html, but I like to share my work with others. Come back often to see if there's anything new.

Non-anime links These are my favorite links that don't deal with anime or manga.

Well, that's all for now, but I promise to add more soon, so check back often. Also, if you are interested in being contacted about new additions to my webpage, e-mail me and I'll put you on the list. All members of the Temple of Tendo Akane will be notified of changes also.

I NEED HELP! This is only my second attempt at a web page, and considering the quality of my first, this is a big improvement. However, I still would greatly appreciate tips, suggestions, and criticism. All comments are welcome as long as you don't just totally trash me! Hope to see you again soon. ^_^.

Ranma 1/2 Manga Translations!

SPECIAL REQUEST I need picture scans from the NAUSSICA OF THE VALLEY OF WIND manga. I would be most grateful to anyone who can send me some. However, I can only use pictures if you send them to me in .jpg or .gif format. I have nothing with which to convert other types of images. Thank you for your help!

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