LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

Welcome to the
Kid's Corner

Hello guys and gals!... Anyone wanna play??

Bulletin Board!!... (what's new on my homepage?)
  • As you've noticed, I've added some music here. I'm planning to add music to each page... umm, excluding ALL the pages I made for each of my friends... unless of course it's requested. :) Remember, I only have a limited quota here!!
  • I've just recently joined Interlink Exchange (the banner you see on top of this page) and I've posted up this banner at selected portions of my page.
  • I've deleted the "Adult Links" and replaced it with the "Miscellaneous Links"... (sorry guys). Why did I do it? Well... 'coz I WANT TO!! :)
  • I'm planning to add MORE friends on my Friends List... but I can't guarantee that I can provide you with their real pictures. I'll only post up their real pics if they allow me to. :)

  • Hello!!.... My name's Ricky. Well... as you can see for yourself, I've made lotsa additions to my homepage. And I'm quite proud of what wonders I've cooked up this time. Err... if you're expecting Java... sorry, I'm not that smart yet. :)

    Many of my friends IRL (in real life) know me as Ricky. Others know me as Ken or Taker in the many other chat sites I visit. The list of chat sites I most oftenly visit is located below. If you need any help through telnet, look for me as either Ricky, Ken/KEN (case sensitive), or Taker. Oh by the way, for all my friends on IRC (Internet Relay Chat), you can find me logged on as either "RickytheKid" or "^Ken21^".

    Well... 'nuff with the introduction. Why don't you browse through the rest of my homepage and see what surprises I have in store for you. :) Thanks for visiting my homepage. C'ya!!

    * My School
    De La Salle University
    * My Profile
    Some stuff about me
    * My Drawings
    Some drawings I made (just for trip)
    * My Friends
    Friends I meet on chat and my pals irl
    * Chat Sites
    Places where I meet new friends
    * Cool Stuff
    Pics of me, my friends, and some babes
    * Cool Links
    Speaks for itself... hehehehe...

    Oh yeah... by the way, if you have time, please sign my guestbook. This way, I could inform you of any updates on this page. Oh and one more thing. If by chance we already know each other... chances are, your name is already on my list of friends here. If not, you could send me a request and I could make you your very own write-up page for you to show off to your other friends... hehehehehe. :)
    Sign My Guestbook!

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    This site is constantly under maintenance!!

    Sorry guys...this page is STILL under construction. :( Our school's server's down for the moment, that's why I moved here in GeoCities. I had a hard time trying to retrieve all my deleted files from our school's server, but wasn't able to revive all of them. Well, this is all I was able to revive from my old homepage. All the rest, I guess I'll have to start from scratch. If you have any comments, you can email me. Well... thanks for visiting my page. C'ya!!

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    Email address:
    Home Address:
    65 Pilar Banzon Street BF Homes
    Parañaque, Metro Manila
    Philippines 1713 Official Purity Test
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    Updated 08/28/2000