[The Chibi-Usa Homepage!]

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Welcome to the Chibi-Usa Homepage!! This page is in honor of the most kawaii scout, Chibi-Usa! Known to her American audience as Reeny. Chibi-Usa is a little girl who was sent back into the past to recover the Silver Crystal to take back with her to the future to defeat the Black Moon family. Later in the series, she is sent back again, presumably to begin her training as Sailor Chibi-Moon. I just put up a little info page on Chibi-Usa, I hope you enjoy it (It's not like you can't find this page anywhere...). While you're here, check out my fan-fic, if you'd be so kind as to check it out and return your comments. And check out the files section too! There a game gear emulator with a great Sailor Moon game available for download. While your at the file section, download all the Chibi-Usa icons! They're pretty cool. I'd also like to add more links, so if you have a site based on or related to Chibi-Usa please mail me your address and I'll put it up right away. Well, I hope you'll enjoy my page, and as always, please feel free to mail me your comments. Enjoy!


Well, I know it's been a LONG while, and I'm terribly sorry, but I'm finally going to get back to updating this page, thanks to the great support I've gotten from you guys! Some of the updates in the next few weeks include : Updating and adding links, Updating and adding images to the gallery, Updating the games page, Adding more MIDI files to the music page, and getting more comprehensive on the info page. I also hope to reset the counter (if possible). If anyone has anything they'd like to see added, just give me a shout, and it will probably be added soon! Last notes... there's also a new award to be added soon! Perhaps I should make my own... This could be a LOT of work. Excuse any weird pages in the next few days(weeks). Remember to send 'yer comments!

I won this at
SOL Ver. 3!
Key Resource
Links2Go Key Resource
Chibi-Chibi Topic

Sweet Award

For more info on Chibi-Usa/Reeny:

Click Here!

Want to read my Fan-Fic?

If so, click here!

Go to the Chibi-Usa Links Page:

[Chibi-Usa Links]

Go to the Chibi-Usa Image Gallery:

[Chibi-Usa Image Gallery]

Go to the Sailor Moon Music Depot:

[Sailor Moon Music Depot]

Go to the Chibi-Usa Awards and Rings Etc. Page:

[Chibi-Usa Awards and Rings Etc.]

Go to the Pink Sugar File Area:

[Pink Sugar File Area]
[Sign my GuestBook!] [View my GuestBook!]


Best viewed in 1024x768 or 800x600! But 640x480 works too, just not quite as well.

Turn on images and crank up the volume for the best effect.

You can reach me by e-mail at: mdodds@idirect.com . I'd REALLY appreciate ANY comments!

Created March 15/97, Last updated Friday March 21th, 1999, at 2:06pm EST

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Reset March 20th, 1999. 106,365 hits beforehand.

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