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Enrico Millo's Homepage

Eclecticism as a way of life

Enrico Millo's homepage

I am an Italian young man born on March 25th, 1969, I live in Trieste, a beautiful city in the north-east of my country, and I may have something in common with you. Check it out if you please: here are some information about me and my interests.

History    or my life

Geography    or my hometown    (ÆüËܸì)

Science           Here you can find the luckiest picture in the world: a comet and a meteor together

Role Playing    or what is like to be a magician

Music    the soundtrack of my life

Manga and other comics    who says it's only for children

Books    my favorite lectures

Other arts

Love    the main ingredient of life

If you pay me a visit you won't be disappointed and if you would leave a message you can find me at

or at the "usual" address:

Enrico Millo

via Giglio Padovan, 4

34138 Trieste


Let me now suggest you some links from my favorites (you can find others if you browse my homepage):

Something about Karl Popper

Almost everything you want to know about Iceland


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