Hi everyone and welcome to my homepage, as some may know this page was previously a Sailor Moon homepage, but as you can see I have seriously made changes, it will now be a Final Fantasy Homepage, Let's face it as much as I love Sailor Moon it is over, time to look towards the future, well have fun and enjoy, hopefully sometime in the future I will have areas to download Final Fantasy stuff on here, and don't forget to sign my guestbook ^_^
This page has been visited times since it was first created.
Meet "Ayn Fluff"!
He was adopted by
Maikeru-san on
August 5th, 1997.
Now Meet "Mavita Fluff"!
Ayn Fluff got lonely so I adopted "Mavita Fluff"
She was adopted by me, Maikeru-san
August 6th, 1997
This is Doņa Gisela Fluff, my last and final fluff
She was adopted by me, Maikeru-san
August 11th, 1997