Okay...this is my page. Nothing to fancy around here, just some of my interests. Some of the links might not be up to date, but then interests change over time and we tend not to care as much about things we lose interest in. I only go through and update this once every few months now anyways. The Open Your Mind will continue to be added to though, and I will make no mention of it. The reasoning is you will go and check it and read the older stuff, hopefully making you re-think some things after you read it the first time. It's called personal reflection, it's one of those human nature things that we do to ourselves every now and again.
My links page Got any measuring tape on you?
My role playing characters
Updates to the page! My own gallery.
My own wallpapers
My fanfic. A little about me
Open your mind
You'll probably notice that I don't have a link back to the main page on any of the links. Hit the back button on your keyboard or right click the mouse. Another idea would be just open a new window with each page. You don't need my page filling your location history....
E-mail me at
© 1997 yoshou_rln@yahoo.com
This page is a Creation, spawned from