The Shrine to

The Space Pirate RYO-OHKI

Cabbit Space-Ship humanoid Age: She was the same age as Ryoko, but Ryo-Ohki the space-ship was Destroied in Tenchi-Muyo ep.2. Ryo-Ohki survied by create a egg, so a few days after the crash Ryo-ohki hatch as the Cabbit.

Likes: Carrots, Sasami, CARROTS, Tenchi, and CARROTS!!!

Hobbes: Looking cute, Begging for carrots, and Hanging around Sasami.

Sensing Carrots

According to the Galaxy Police, Ryo-Ohki is a ruthless Pirate that Destroyed 28 Planets and 69 Colonies.

Ryo-Ohki is One of the Most Power space-ship Universe. Only Tsunami and Soja are more powerful, but Soja is thridy times bigger, conserder a Space-fortest. Ryo-Ohki is the size of a shuttle. Tsunami is the most power ship and is the source of all Jurai power, as well as their Flagship, and Tsunami is also a Goddess. Tsunami's hall is size of a large shuttle, but has larger sub-space interal.

Ryo-Ohki was created as a personly, independant, Space-Ship for Ryoko, but turn out to be more of a smaller sister to Ryoko. Origanally Ryo-Ohki had two froms, Which was the ship-form and Cabbit-form. The ship-form is used for combat and transportion. The Cabbit is for hiding and resting the ship (Probably why the GP could not catch Ryo-Ohki, They were looking of a heineous Battle-ship). Ryo-Ohki gained the able to become human from her experiance with the Mass (the create Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki were made from). She can have a body of a teenager, but uses a body of a five year old, because Ryo-Ohki has to learn balance and walk on two legs. As a human Ryo-Ohki can speak, but has not say anything other than "Carrot" so far.


Have a Carrot Space-ship humanoid
cabbit to ship Ryu-Ho & Ryo-Ohki Too Cute Cabbits?
Carrot pillow Wall of Eyes

Link to Pics of Ryoko & Ryo-Ohki
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