Ahhhhh, yes. Here we go. A total of
mortals have entered my realm since January 1, 1998. Consider yourself fortunate to be counted among them.
![]() The original idea for this page came from a time when I was trying to load up a fic. The site obviously had other plans that day and decided not to behave and this is when I first thought "Gee, isn't it too bad that I can't get this anywhere else." So here I am now with my own site which I've dedicated to the very best and funniest fics and recognizes the hard work and dedication each author has put into their stories. I'm currently in the process of writing a few myself so I completely understand everthing it takes to create one. If you're an author and you'd like me to check out your fic as a potential personal favorite, or there's one you've found on the web that you also think I'd like, drop me a line. You can contact me here at my Geocities e-mail account Blood Blade
Konichiwa!Hello to everyone. To those of you who have been visitors to my site in the past, and to those who are new, I appreciate your patronage and all the encouragement you've given me over the years. Unfortunately, this will most likely be my last update to this site. Over the years, the zeal I originally had for fanfics has slowly waned. Some of the authors I read on a regular basis stopped writing and disappeared. The amount of free time I had to dedicate to the page has also changed since I left university. As a result, there have not been any changes to the site in several years. I will continue to keep the existing pages and archived stories alive, though there will be no further additions to active story arcs. I still maintain my email account here, so if you wish to send a message or have questions about any of the stories here, you can reach me through this link: Email Me -Blood Blade
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You can e-mail me here: Blood Blade
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