Nichibei Kaiwa Internet Class

Student Page for INTERNET Tanki Course

This site is the site for links to student work from the IEC-Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin Tanki course:INTERNET for Beginners and Intro to Internet.
As we learn, we will be adding links to our own pages and web projects.

Seaching the Net: How to do it.

Learning English on the NET

See our class in action.
The organization where these courses are held.
Free e-mail
Great way to keep up with your groups and friends.
The Fastest and Most complete source of useful SITES.

A good place to start learning Internet basics at TMIT.

Miho Yotsuya's homepage.
Yoko Ueno's homepage.
Mikizo Sakurai's homepage.
Mayumi Abe's homepage.

Updated by David Brooks 3/7/98 Tokyo, Japan

© 1997

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