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Thank you for the more than 7000 hits!!
Last Updated 10.19.98

Hi everyone!! I'm finally a college student!! I'm only in 2nd week though, so it's still kinda boring. I've added some mp3's of some recent releases. I will be trying to add more artists/ groups due to requests. These are some of them. If you have any requests yourself, please send them to me :

KinKi Kids
Shinohara Tomoe
Every Little Thing
Chinen Rina

-Single Chart
-Album Chart
-MP3's added

Photo Gallery
I am hoping to reorganize my gallery in the future.
Otanoshimi ni!



About Me
For those of you who are thinking "Who is this person?"

Just got a simple question that others might be able to answer? Post it here! Also post any comments or events for others to see!

Listen to Music
Sample some of the newest releases and the top songs on the charts! You can also send me requests!

Singles TOP 10
Here are the Top 10 Singles of the week!
(information obtained from Oricon)
(updated weekly)
last updated 10.19

Albums TOP 10
Here are the Top 10 Albums of the week!
(information obtained from Oricon)
(updated weekly)
last updated 10.19

SMAP Mailing List!!!
Did you know that there's a mailing list for SMAP fans?
Well, if you didn't and are interested, why don't you try it out?
Just send a message saying "subscribe" to and you're in!!
Still not sure whether you should join or not?
Why not go to Ari's page and read the FAQ!


Thanks to all who have signed my guestbook! I wish I had the time to wirte back to all of you! I'm trying to keep up with everything right now, but I promise to try and write to those of you who have written to me!.

Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook


Disclaimer: This page is not sanctioned by any persons featured in this page. This page is for my own personal interests. Fair Use Notice: These documents contain copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owners. I believe that this non-profit use on the Web constitutes a `fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond `fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Any questions, comments, or complaints? Send any and all to me at

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