This page is under construction. Any comments are welcomed.

There are not many sites about Hacken and so I try to develop one
myself. Hacken's new album "When Found You" 7m'd(l'A has released. Just take a look at my Hacken's Home in Toronto for some song samples :
- "Good Actor" &n@8$'$H
- "When Found You" 7m'd(l'A
- "It's meaningless to win the whole world but lose a friend"
(S&3'A >F$F%@,I$S&p&s
- "Missing You" (L(L$#1K
- "Crying for You" ,0'A,y2\
- "Just Want You to Understand" (music only)
Hi, I just make a new homepage for
Leung. Please take a look and give me some comments!
Coming up :
- Gigi sound clips from her first album "Love Myself"
- Gigi gallery
- Gigi News
![[GIGI!!!]](sm_gigi.jpg) |
You might wonder who she is. Yeah, she is -S>e8)
. If you can't read the preceding Chinese Big-5 Code, then try to
understand my cantonese translation : "Fan Hiu Huen". Get it now? She
is a potential star of the future. Here are a few sites about her:
I am sure you can find dozens of sites about Vivian Chow on the Web. I
think there is no need to add one more to the collection. Some suggested
links will be provided here later and I guarantee that you will find them
interesting with lots of
pics! So far I come up with the following three sites that are cool :
I can find only one decent site of Charlie :
I'm surprised of the fact that there is only one good site of Charlie
since I remember there were many sites of Charlie. Well, some sites
simply doesn't work any more.
Working on this. Be patient, Linda's 'fans'!
Obviously I can't list all artists in this site but you can find some
links to sites of virtually all artists who you will be interested in
at the following sites :
Here are the Chinese words : %w&\B,y&f:]
Commercial Radio will update the chart almost every week! Click for the Official
There are also two other great sites with lots of music chart results, in
both English and Chinese :
[ Sammi Cheng | Hacken Lee |
Gigi Leung | Mavis Fan | Vivian Chow | Charlie Yeung | Linda Wong | Other artists ]
[ Hong Kong Music Charts ]

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This page is maintained by
John Lee from U of T.
Last modified : March 12, 97
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