Ranma 1/2's Biography
Ranma 1/2 was created by Miss Takahashi Rumiko in 1988. Ranma 1/2 starts off when
Ranma Saotome and his father, Genma train in China, in the cursed grounds of Jusyenko.
Ranma just happens to fall into the pool of drowned girl and is now cursed forever. When ever
Ranma gets splashed with cold water he becomes his signifigant counterpart Ranma-Chan (he
becomes a girl). We can safely say that he "looses his little brother" whenever he get cold
water on him. To turn back into Ranma-Kun he needs to be splashed with hot water. When
ever Ranma turns into Ranma-Chan he sometimes goes by the name Ranko, because his mom
doesn't know about his little secret. The wierdest thing about this story is that a lot the the
characters can turn into diffrent animals. (breakdown of everybody after this bio) First of all
Ranma's dad can turn into a panda, Ryuoga turns into a pig, and Shampoo turns into a cat.
Strangely enough Ranma is the center of attention and is stalked and wanted by many other
women. Ranma is engaged to Akane Tendo because, Genma promised his son to his
bestfriend's daughter. Ranma dislikes Akane because she isn't cute and she's always kickin
his ass with a shovel or pan. Then Shampoo, who is from China and apart of an amazon tribe,
is destined to be married to Ranma because she is bound to marry the one that bests her in
battle. There are so many love relationships and people being stalked that it is really
confusing. (There's a chart that I got from E Wink's Groovie Ranma 1/2 & Sailor Moon Page,
that can really help clear things up). RanRanma 1/2 continues from here and they have many
wacky adventures and is now one on the most loved anime series.
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Genma Saotome: He is Ranma's dad and can turn into a cute panda.
Ukyou Kuonji: One of Ranma's fiances thay he likes.
Ryouga Hibiki: He is Ranma's worst enemy and wants to be with Akane.
P-chan: This is when Ryouga turns into that little cute pig form of his.
Ranma Saotome: A 16 year old boy that is cursed and engaged to Akane, who he dislikes very much.
Akane Tendo: Ranma's "uncute" fiancee and owner of the Tendo Anything Goes School of Martial Arts.
Shampoo: The amazon warrior from China that was bested by Ranma and now wants to marry him.
Ranma-chan:This is who Ranma Kun becomes when he get splashed with cold water.
Mousse: Shampoo's would-be suitor.
Tatewaki Kuno: He is also known as the upper class man also called "upper-classman" and he is in love with Akane and Ranma Chan.
Soun Tendo: He is the Genma best friend and is the father of Akane, Nabiki, and Kasumi's.
Nabiki Tendo: He's the financial wizard of the family.
Kasumi Tendo: She's housekeeper and cook of the family.
Dr. Tofu: He heals up Ranma when he gets hurt.
Kodachi: She's Kuno's younger sister and is also called the Black Rose. She is in love with Ranma.
Cologne: She is Shampoo's 300 year old great-grandmother and she tries to get Shampoo and Ranma together. Whats with the wierd names in the amazon tribe?
Happosai: He is Genma and Soun's old teacher and he is a pervert and a master peeping tom, and is just a nuisance to everybody.
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This page was finalized and uploaded on January 24, 1996 by David K. Chau.