Updated...January 15,2002
Sorry there haven't been any changes in a real long time but I'm back now, and I plan to make some big changes. Especially since i've seen pages better than mine :P PLease keep coming back I'll be updating with new pictures of Alan and Ann no where else on the net. I've had them for awhile from the manga just haven't scanned them yet. ok enjoy and i'll let you know when i've completed the new upates. Alan
As for those of you who do not know us we are Aliens. My name is Allan, and
my love is Ann.
We have come to earth to steal energy to feed our DoomTree.
Queen Beryl was right there is lots of energy here on our new planet.
Ann: "yes It's our planet now......so get used to it brats..!!!"
We are the greatest Sailormoon villians ever! We don't have to do our own dirty work,
but sometimes it just fun. :)
We send Monsters/Cardians to steal energy from humans.
My darling Ann picks a Card and I bring it to life by playing my magical flute.
The Cardians will steal energy from anyone: Adults; children; babies.. awe yes even babies...hehe :)
There is only one problem SailorMoon. I never imagined there would be anyone like her on our planet.
Our secret identity...shhh....
We have enrolled in the local high school. Thats where I met Serena. Ann and Serena are in the same class
Serena is the most beautifull person I have ever met.
Ann met some guy...Darian...hmm she is always drooling over him. If only she would look at me that way...
You are the..
We love getting mail from Earthlings...© 1996 Aliens
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New Episode Summaries
Episode 1 & 2 of the Aliens
For More Information on The DoomTree and why Ann is so mean please go here
Hey who is that other Alien in the SailorMoon Movie???
Fiore/bottom of page
Pictures page...lots more coming soon...I hope..
Picture page
My Links page....and the Webring that is all the Talk of the Negaverse
Links/Ring of Pure Evil
person to be Drained of their energy
If you have or can get more pictures of Alan & Ann I would really appreciate them..
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