Welcome to the place you always feared you'd come to. The home of the Baron of Helle, the Lord of Darkness.

Traquen's Home.

Now that you're here, there is no turning back. There is no wimping out. There is no way, other than His. So you might as well enjoy your stay, if thats possible amongst so much evil energy.

Here you will find Sailor Moon Legend paraphenalia. Pictures, side stories, fanfics, other workings by the authors, and anything else SML related. So, as you walk past the castle gates; as you explore the world of Traquen; as you stare deep into the darkness which is Helle, I advise you...prepare yourself.

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All rights to the Sailor Moon Legend are reserved to the author, Matthew Earhart. It is illegal to claim any of the material in it as your own, and it is illegal to use the Sailor Moon Legend any other way, except for indivual private use, without the express permission of the author. Sailor Moon© is a registered name and item to Naoko Takeuchi and ALOT of big companies who would try to hurt him bad if he claimed any of the trademarked characters in his story as his own. Traquen is the Lord of Darkness, Baron of Helle. Anyone denying this fact will be swiftly introduced to Traquen's claymore.