Hi! this is my first attempt at a web page, so if you have any comments,
please feel free to E-mail me at
Okay Gang, the Web Counter says
U are the
Scout 2 enter my page:-)
What is Sailor Moon? Well, it's a Japanese Anime TV show about several girls
who fight against the Negaverse. The cast includes main charecter Sailor
Moon (Serena), Sailor Mercury (Ami), Sailor Mars (Rei), Sailor Jupiter (Lita)
and Sailor Venus (Mina). Some other scouts and allies are Tuxedo Mask, Sailor
Chibi Moon, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Saturn and
the two cats, Luna and Artemis. Well, that's Sailor Moon in a nutshell.
If you notice any problems while viewing the page, E-mail me at the adress
above. It's probably a careless mistake by an person like me.
I've been planining on expanding my horizons to include stuff such as:
Sasami(from tenchi), Voltron, and maybe even a cartoons in general page.
But E-me and tell me what you yes
you want to see.
The winners and runner-ups of my contest are announced!
*****Apology! Apology!*****
I'm so sorry for the delay in my contest postings, and in up-dating in general.
I've had a lot of problems up-dating, etc, but i think it's worked out now
News Flash News Flash--------I've moved to Geocities. The new page
has been up since like december but most people werer still directed to
my old page (>:( ) oh well. anyways, no more not working pics(or fewer
at least), no more months of waiting before an update. Yipeee
All you moonies can catch Sailor Moon on
USA, 8:30AM, Monday-Thursday. New episodes might be in the making, so check
out the SOS page for details!
Once again, we thank SOS and its fans for helping sailor moon return to
the air.
Save our Sailors
*This page has been turned black to protest Sailor moon going off the air.
But now that it's going to come back, black might be outta hear. Stay tuned
for a new background*
I, a fellow mac person am using the way kawaii icons for folders and documents
that look a bit like this:

. So, if any of you mac people
want dibs on all of them, gimme an e-mail and i'll send you the icons and
It's Guest book Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool, eh? hope this works............
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook

Thanx LPage:)
But before the fun starts:
Let's all give a round of applause to GeoCities
for providing people with FREE websites. 
The Pages:::::::