Mabuhay! Welcome to phillypinoy.com. Since 1996 a big number of Filipinos in
Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, USA has been holding sports and other activities
year round. Bowling, volleyball, tennis, basketball and lately golf are examples
of the growing number of interests that keep the organization actively close together.
This site was created to keep records of those activities including news, statistics, pictures
and more.
PHILLYPINOY - Edgar Ramilo derived this term from phillypina @iname.com, Melissa Magpale's
e-mail address. This term was first officially used during the First Phillypinoy Bowling Tournament,
the event that arguably was the start of many organized sporting events in the area.
It is the concatenation of two colloquial terms namely PHILLY (for Philadelphia) and PINOY (Filipinos).
We thank Edgar and Melissa for coming up with such a creative name.
This website originated from
Elmer and Amel Berico's First Phillypinoy Bowling Tournament homepage. The First PPBT event was organized by Marilyn
Montero with the help of Edgar Ramilo and Penn Tanio. PPBT is now known as Phillypinoy Bowling
League as sanctioned by American Bowling Congress and Women's International Bowling Congress.
The Phillypinoy bowlers will start the ball rolling late September. We are inviting
all of you to join us every Friday at 9:15 PM. If you want to join the league please
e-mail the committee for more information.
More details will be posted on this site. Let's get it on!
The Third Phillipinoy Beach Volleyball Challenge came into conclusion. Pictures taken from the Final Round and
Awarding Ceremonies are now available. CLICK HERE.
About 20 Phillypinoys hit the fairways on August 6, 2000 at the Valley Forge Golf course for the first Invitational
Golf Tournament. This event was the kickoff of what promise to be many golf tournaments on different
courses around the area. The first leg was won by the tandem of Norman Aquino and Lalac Timoteo. Beginner and
experienced Phillypinoy golfers are invited to join. Playing dates and other details will be posted on this site
as soon as they become available.