
February 13:
Yay! Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! ^_^ ::fixes her odangos:: Gotta get ready! ;) Vu-sama and I have a date! ;D

Aaaaanywho.. I just wanted to let ya'll know that the Minako gallery is now up and running. I fixed the link problems (if you still have problems, try getting an updated browser. But everything has worked so far with all the versions) in all the galleries (the icons, sounds, etc. galleries tho are still not up!). To recap, the Background Gallery is open, the Usagi/Mamoru gallery is open, the Animated GIF gallery is open and, yes, the Minako gallery is open, new and improved! Have fun! ^_^

February 10:
Err.. Okay, someone said the multimedia gallery doesn't work, yet I just checked it and it does. ^^; I want to remind you that Fortune City hasn't been working regularly lately, so that might be part of the problem. Some parts of the multimedia gallery however ARE down for repairs, but the Background section, The Minako section, and the Usagi/Mamoru section work.

Also, I noticed that in the guestbook, someone kept reffering to us as "girls." Well... ^^; I'm definately a girl, but Vu is definately 100% totally male. ^^; (of course, he is rather sensitive and not the *typical male*. ^^ But that's one of the reasons I like him so much. ^_-) Just thought I'd clear that up. ::giggles:: There's a kawaii picture in the multimedia gallery of Usagi kissing Mamoru, who is wearing glasses, while he's reading a book. That reminds me of Vu-sama and me. ^^; ::giggles:: Okay, enough giddy, school-girlish talk! I got offtopic! ^^; Gomen ne! (The oncoming aspect of Valentine's Day is kinda getting to me. ^^;)

February 9:
Guess what! The picture gallery over at our Multimedia Gallery is coming along great! The Minako archive still has no thumbnails (and is not in the new format), but there's a brand new Usagi/Mamoru category up, filled with many beautiful pictures! Also, as mentioned in the last update, the Background Gallery is also working, and it is filled with backgrounds for Windows and Web Pages. I hope you visit! It's taking a long time and a lot of effort to put it up, and Alaina is working very hard on it. She deserves a round of applause for the new setup! It's a lot easier to navigate. Plus she's spending hours upon hours trying to find the best pictures to showcase, and she's also making sounds, backgrounds, web graphics, animated GIFs, and more for the galleries!

Vu finally updated the Lyrics page. ^^; Hopefully it works now. But he *is* rather busy, so we have to cut him some slack. ^_^

Hey, if you like to discuss Sailor Moon, find out the latest information about products to buy (import and domestic), and like to collect pictures, why not try joining the Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Club on yahoo! If you look under the photo section there, and go to the Cosplay section, you can see pictures of Alaina and Vu dressed as Anime Characters! ;)

That's all for now! Ja mata ne, minna-san!

Alaina and Vu! ^_-

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