About the Author
I am the rightful heir to the flaming global throne of evil.
I WILL TAKE THIS WORLD AS MINE, so if you people could just cooperate it would be very nice.
Find out more about the creator of this website.
Everyone seems to have one of these on their page,
so I decided I would be a lemming and have one too.
This is just silly, trivial information about myself.
Try not to get TOO excited.
Riding Bean
True, this is a strange world I'm in,
but what about the world you're in?
Have you noticed it lately?
Are we on to something, you and I?
Probably not.
Though it only had a single OAV
and a very brief stint in manga (Japanese comics),
"Riding Bean" still remains one of my favorites.
Creator Kenichi Sonada is also the genius behind
"Gunsmith Cats" and "Bubblegum Crisis."
There just aren't enough pages out there
about the Roadbuster, so I decided to make one.
Anime Tarot
It isn't so astonishing, the number of things that I can remember,
as the number of things I can remember that aren't so.
Between a handful of friends who perform tarot
and Hitomi's tarot skills in "Escaflowne",
I found the age-old art of tarot beginning to
pique my interest. There is a wide variety of
tarot decks available to practitioners
(I even own a deck myself now),
but I still wanted to create "customized decks"...
ones with anime as their theme.
To that end, I created this Anime Tarot site.
As you browse, remember that I made each card myself,
so to answer my most popular question now...
no, these cannot be bought anywhere.
Mucking About With Role-Playing
In the beginning, the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry
and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
I greatly enjoy online role-playing (RPing), especially on MUCKs.
The character I usually play is (unsurprisingly) "Alyx."
Don't know what a MUCK is?
What to learn more about online RPing?
Interested in knowing what's going on with this "Alyx" thing?
Then this is the place to go.
Gryphons of the Streams
Did you know,
Could you tell,
You were the only one
That I ever loved?
About a year ago, I was introduced to bettas (Siamese fighting fish).
I have been addicted ever since. Though it has only been a short while,
I have learned a great deal from many wise and experienced persons.
Now, in this page, I pass on some of the things I've learned
as well as share my joy in these bold, little creatures.
The Pen
An author values a compliment even when it
comes from a source of doubtful competency.
This is a small collection of my writings.
To warn the reader beforehand, it is almost all prose
with a few smatterings of poetry. When I try to write
something profound or lyrical in poetry, I find myself
invariably glaring at the screen and hitting the "backspace"
key 50 times. Thus, I have settled comfortably into
short stories, some not-so-short stories, and online journal entries.
Please bear with me regarding the frequency
of updates to this section of the page.
Coming Soon
A "Links" page
Some images to liven this page up
Leave Your Mark
Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light.
So, what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Got a couple questions?
Whichever it is, this is the place to say so. You can write a message
in the Guestbook or view what other people have said about this site.
If you don't want it posted publicly, then you can also send me an e-mail
with your questions, comments, and criticisms. Thanks for any and all input!
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Someone's Watching
With every passing hour our solar system comes
forty-three thousand miles closer to globular
cluster M13 in the constellation Hercules, and still
there are some misfits who continue to insist that
there is no such thing as progress.
Due to changes in Geocities, the old counter went down the tubes.
Thus, here is the new counter. I know I made it past the thousand hit
mark, but I couldn't recall the exact numbers.
Therefore, this counter starts up at 1,000.
Get it? Got it? Good.
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