Warning : for female Slam Dunk dojinshi fans only!
(and those who relish in the thought of Hanamichi and Rukawa gazing deeply into the eyes of each other,
hands reaching out to brush that lock off sweat-drenched brows
... get the picture ? ^_^ )

Couldn't resist adding some sort of illustration ,
Just a rough sketch :p, will tidy it up later.
Drawing new ones is so much more interesting.

For people who don't know who Koshino is, two important points:
1) he is in the Ryonan team
2) he and Sendoh belong together (I don't care what anyone else say)
It is clear that Sen only has eyes for Koshi even in practice sessions,
and has trouble keeping his hands off Koshi.

Dojinshi - is a state of mind.

First, you started seeing Hana and Ru together,
...then it's Micchy and Ko...
...and while you're at it, Sensui and Itsuki ( from YuYuHakuSho) are a cool couple as well...
...before you know it, you'd start thinking of all shonen manga in a dojin context...
...sooner or later, you'd believe that Mulder and Krycek are made for each other ( YEAH! )...
...and that a Swan Lake with an all-male cast is a perfectly good idea...

... then you'll know you're too far gone,

BUT WHO CARES?! dojinshi is fun!! and Slam Dunk is the best!!!




why Hana and Ru are the best couple.

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