The story, Sailor Moon: Legend of the Silver Star, is dedicated to the seventeen "Determined Warriors" of the USS Cole that lost their lives in Aden, Yemen. Your memories will reside in me always. The story is also dedicated to Daniel Shakespeare, a fan like no other. Take care of yourself.
This story, especially the ending, is dedicated to Marie Siever; a very special person in my life. I'll be with you always.
Finally, the story is dedicated to the memories of those whose lives were ended in New York City, the Pentagon, and the plane crash outside of Pittsburgh, Pensylvania on September 11.
This is a picture I drew a few years ago and decided to finally scan and put it up for the world to see. They are, in order from top eft to right, Prince Nakorru, Prince Damien, King Mercury, Prince Andrew, Prince Donovan, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Prince Darien, Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus.
Once again, it is time for the occasional update from this former member of Uncle Sam's Canoe Club (thanks, Thomas Sewell!) on the story that he loves so much.Well, I have good news and bad news...
The good news is that I've finished Chapter 15 finally...*waits for it...waits for it...waits for it...cheers!*
And, now for the bad's only available on the new website. I did it that way because I want all of you to start using it instead of this site, which will be going away real soon. So, from now on, the new address is G'head, check it out; you'll be glad you did.
I've removed my E-Mail address from the bottom of the page; it seems that I've been bombarded by useless spam lately, and it's kinda frustrating. So, if anyone has any questions for me, visit to alert me.
As a matter of fact, visit the forums anyway; it's pretty small down there, and I could use the extra members. ;)
As usual, keep looking here periodically for other updates as time progresses; you'll be glad you did.
Click here for the created character profiles.
Now, for those whom either English isn't their primary language, or who'd like to see the page in a different language, this is for you.
Questions? Ask away in the forums.
On a more personal note, I want to thank all of the people who have supported me in my efforts. If I forget your name, blame it on my mind and not my heart:
Rachelle "Rush" Bellamy-For believing in the story before I did. You gave my page a start, and I owe all of its success to you. I'm going to miss you.
Brett "Bushi" Johnson-You opened my eyes to anime, and I owe you a lot. Our company will be successful; just you wait.
Travis "Ranma" McKean-You finished up what Brett started; thanks.
J.T. "Janus" Thomas-You've given me more inspiration than you'll ever believe.
Jennifer Matheson-A very special young girl who will always be in my prayers. Be strong; I will be with you always.
Courtney A. Newton-You're my best friend, my brother, and the best Assistant CEO a guy could ever ask for. The best is yet to come.
Sharon Williams-For realizing the only thing that was missing in a diverse art form. I will always be here to talk to you about anything...and I mean anything.
Cristina Caruso-For waking up the dormant writing spirit inside of me and making me do some much needed work on my project. If you need me, don't hesitate to call.
Thomas Sewell-From one squid to another; Haze Grey and Underway!
Germean N. Porter-You're my best friend, my sister, and another great Assistant CEO. This isn't going to tank out like my other ideas; trust me.
Kristie Green-One of the regulars and one of the first to give "The Legend" a must-read! Wow! Thanks for the support!
Daniel Shakespeare-The rest of this story is all for you. 'Nuff said.
Sedrick "Music Man" Woods-The man with the music for the greatest soundtrack ever, and also a proud member of the 2-Hype Productions hierarchy. Thanks a lot, man.
And of course, Naoko Takeuchi-For giving the world something to hold on to when things get a little rough.
If you would like, you can either
and let me know what you think, or you can View my Guestbook to see what others had to say. Also, you can View My Old Guestbook to see what others had to say in the past. Your call!For some info about me, click here.
For other links, click here. (Please, check them out! They're really good!)
It has begun! I asked for you, the readers, to submit fanart (see above), and it appears that someone has answered the call. Click here to check them out!
Sailor Moon: Legend of the Silver Star Copyright 1997 Joseph Keith Seltzer and 2-Hype Productions. All rights reserved.
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