Welcome to Gunjin's anime page. This page is under heavy construction and is just starting. So please bear with me. So until my site becomes a little better, I will direct you to some of my favorite sites. Feel free to e-mail me with any anime(or not)related questions. And most of all, THANKS FOR DROPPING BY.
Links to other sites on the Web
Ah My Goddess movies-Cool clips
Serpent's Anime Vocal Collection-One of my favorite sites. This one has tons of MP2s
MAML-Music and Movies-A great place to get song lyrics and sound clips
Armitage's Dimension-If you can play MP3s then go here and enjoy the CD quality music
This man made my banner-Chaos Anime and PSX Land
Oh yeah, if any of these links are outdated please tell me so I can get rid of them.Here are some of my favorite pictures. Please feel free to take a look.
Macross-cool thingy with big guns
© 1996 adpringl@sfu.ca