Gaurav's Home Page.

hits since January 1, 1997

Hi! I'm Gaurav Sadarangani. I am from Madras, India. This is my personal Web Page. It contains my personal information. It also contains links to other sites of intrest. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Geocities for giving me this web page location and my 2MB disk space through which I am able to express myself to the world. Bookmark this site today and use it as a starting point for your web surfing. There are also other html's on this site which you may bookmark as your starting point. If you wish to view personal information about myself, simply click on my personal page link. If you are just visiting to gain links to other sites,feel free to look around and send me any comments at my email address below. In case you wish to add your link to my site or advertise (free) please feel free to write in along with the content and location of your site.

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e-mail me at the following address

Last modified : 15 January 1997
Located on the geocities. server.
This site was created using Home Site.