Sad news for everyone looking to get an award: I`m studying in Japan for a year and I have no access to my awards for this time period so I am unable to give out awards.
I finally got around to changing this page around a bit and for those of you who
don't know yet: this site has changed administrators. It is now a sub-portion of Carasel's Page of Anime and this site is now administered by me, Carasel. I've decided to keep the general page layout as is and
because all the awards say Hobjoi this will still stay Hobjoi's Anime Award Central.
Do you have an Anime/Manga related website that
you're darn proud of? Well, apply for my award and you just might have an award
winning website to be darn proud of, now there are several different awards here that you
can try for, just make sure you let me know which award you want and that you qualify for
that award. Now I've been to a lot of sites that make you sign guestbook of
the webmaster to get the award and that really annoys me so I don't ask you to do anything
like that, rather the only thing I ask is that you tell me how you got to my site to win
my award. Don't forget to READ the rules.
Rules and Application for an
Last updated: September 01, 1999 | Email me: carasel@graffiti.net
by LinkExchange