Moonies have been to this site since Dec. 18, 1999 *^_^*

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New Page. I'm currently working on this one..trying to make it better.

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Woohoo! A daliy mp3! Not sailor moon, but still cool. Tons of anime music, thanks to !

1. (June 3rd, 2006)
Wow. it's the future. I can't believe my old site still exists. This is quite amazing. By seeing that people still come here by the guessbook entries i thought i would update with how P-Jup and I have been doing. P-Jup is now a college graduate, with a bachelors in linguistics and is engaged to be married. :3 I, P-Sat, am working a full time job (a good corporate job.. not like mc d's or anything), saving money for school (for my masters) or really blowing my money away on crazy trips so i can see the world before we blow it all up. We both have been slightly staying with the anime scene, attending various conventions through-out the years..etc. Boring boring blah. So for this site, i can say we will probably never update it and only visit it for memories sake. On that note i would like to leave this disclaimer:
Princess Jupiter and I, Princess Saturn, would like to tell you that we are only fans of the show and not complete experts. Some information may be wrong, but majority should be right. If there are things wrong or missing you can blame the interenet for that one since when we made this site we used mostly outside knowledge, because at the time we had only access to the american version of the show (which you all know was pretty different than the original). And i would like to mention that we were only 13 when we made this! So please, just enjoy what is left with it, ignore all the broken links, and take as many of the pics as you like, haha. Have a great future minna-san!
Oh and P.S. this sites 10 year anniversary is in 7 months! Oh my do i feel old! :D

2. (10-08-01)- Yes i haven't been here in forever! I am hopefully getting adobe photoshop 6 in november and will be able to make an awesome new site, well a mirror one of this that will be frames. Me and P-Jup are in college now and are busy busy busy, so ill try and find free-time to suit your needs. Also all our emails are dead, so dont email from the links, please if you need to contact or have any questions email me at or P-jup at Thanks and check back for updates. -P-sat
3. (04-11-01)- I am sorrry that we havent updated anything in so very long, but me and juppy are seniors in highschool and are trying to work are butts off to graduate. my nose ahs been in books and papers constantly, and all my extracurriclar activities, so we havent had any time to really put time into the site. When things start calming down then well be sure to update. Arigato minna. -P-Sat
4. (09-22-00)- Ok i havent really been working on it.. i have updated the front, obviosly, i know the font color is hard to read! but i am going to fix that! ;p check out the new front page i am making, its not really good yet, but im working on making a frames mirror site. Arigato to Ja Mata Na minna!
5. (08-3-00)- Been remodeling profiles pages, check them out. Obviously front page remodeled.
Also some pic sites down do to a stupid server(not geocities), should have those fixed soon.
6. (07-1-00)-Added a daily mp3! Hey at least its something. A misc. pic gallery is also on here, forgot to announce it. They'll be more pics comming soon!
7.(12-31-99)OMG! We added a tuxedo mask pic page FINALLY! check it out,theres about 10 pics...-so far- if anyone wants to donate pics then just send them here- . Thanks and everyone have great new year!!!

© 1997 Princess Jupiter and Princess Saturn