![]() A Three Lights dedicated homepage This webpage is a shrine to a group of characters in the anime Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon. Don't have the least idea of what it is? Go to a search engine, like Yahoo, HotBot, or The Anime Web Turnpike and search the word "sailormoon". Or are you a big fan, expert, otaku? Then proceed to my Three Lights Backstage! Meet Taiki, Seiya and Yaten, the coolest and cutest band in the world, the Three Lights!
What! You DON'T know them yet? Well, they came from the Planet Kinmoku, in another galaxy. When their Princess Fireball/Kakyuu disappeared, they came to search for her on Earth, because she and they were the only survivors left, after the destruction of the planet by Galaxia. They formed a very popular band, The Three Lights, known all over the world and by which they send subliminal messages on every song of theirs, subliminal messages that only their Princess shall understand. However, their senshi forms are the Sailor StarLights, three cute girls that are sailor senshi, with star powers. But in their Three Lights form, Seiya, Taiki and Yaten are normal 16-year-old boys who go to Juubankoukou (Juuban High School), in Japan, Tokyo. Always pursued by a huge mass of fan girls, they are the most popular band in Japan! Now, do you want to meet the cutest guys on Earth? Check the links available! ![]() Supporting the SM People's Choice Awards II. Go and vote for any page you like!
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon © its characters and likenesses are properties of Takeuchi Naoko, Toei Animation Studios, Bandai, Kondansha Comics, Nakayoshi, TV Asahi, etc. I'm using it without permission but I'm not gaining anything with it. The Three Lights Backstage © is a fully-functional page all made by myself and if I borrowed anything from anyone [chances are, images] it was asked before, and the credit to that person is given in the same place where the thing in question is. This HP is copyrighted and all the work is mine. If I find on the web (and I'm constantly looking for StarLights stuff) anything similar to this webpage, on plaguerism, image, graphical contents, I shall personally murder you and hang your corpse somewhere in the Tibet so that something eats you and no one discovers who did it. In other words... please don't take anything. Have a sunshiny day and remember to always love the Three Lights. :)
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