2 C-MaN'z
AsiAn ModELz PaGe
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To the loser that signed my g-book IP
If YoU DoNT LikE iT iF I tyPe LikE DIs TheN DoN't ViSiT thE fUKKin' PagE U PiEce Of $hiT... i'LL tYpe HowEveR I waNNa FuKKin TYpE... If it pisses you off that much I think u need a new life... go get mad at YOUR MOTHER for raising such a fukking lil bitch cant stand the way ppl type... I dont think i could stand the way u look... people like you should go fukkin kill themselves, waste of air yano?... to anyone else reading this...excuse the language.
ViSitoRZ SiNCe AuGusT 26, 1997